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There Still Time to Start Your Journey of Charity This Lent

Writer: jornalerosjornaleros

During this Jubilee year, Pilgrims of Hope, we find ourselves in  a special moment where we can live Lent soaked by  the grace that the Jubilee gives us.  This Lent let us try to focus on how to bear witness of our faith and change the lives of our brothers and sisters, with signs of love.  Let the Lord allow us to convert our hearts so that we can love those who need it most. 

Let us meditate on the keys that Sister Faustina gives us in her Diary of Mercy:

“To transform myself entirely into Your mercy and to be a living reflection of You. May you pass through my heart to my neighbor. Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never be suspicious or judge according to appearances, but may seek the beautiful in the soul of my neighbor and come to his aid. Help me to make my ears merciful so that I may take into account the needs of my neighbor and not be indifferent to his sorrows and groans. Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful so that I may never speak negatively of my neighbors but may have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all. Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful and full of good works, so that I may know how to do only good to my neighbor and take upon myself the most difficult and painful tasks. Help me to make my feet merciful so that I may always hasten to help my neighbor, mastering my own fatigue and my weariness. My true rest is in the service of my neighbor. No. 163”

 O my Jesus, transform me into You, for You can do everything.

Week II of Lent “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” Luke 9:28b-36

“We do not find him [Jesus] when and where we want, but see him in the lives of the poor, in their sufferings and needs.”

Pope Francis

Papa Francisco

What works of charity have you done this week? 

  1. ¿With your face?

  2. With your words?

  3. With your actions?

  4. With your prayer?


    What did you learn about yourself this week?


A Prayer for the Pilgrims of Hope

Grant me, Lord your Holy Spirit, so that I can, like Mary, who went to the service of her cousin, I too go to the service of my brothers and sisters in need. The strength of St. Jose Sanchez del Rio, not to deny my faith and to bear witness even if it is difficult. The joy of Blessed Chiara Badano, so that even when my life is not perfect, I can help others. The firmness of St. Gemma Galgani, so that I  do not fall into temptation or let the enemy disturb my faith. And the conviction of faith of St. Carlo Acutis, may I always recognize you in my brothers. Give me the grace of this Jubilee year to convert my heart to yours this Lent. Amen.


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