To transform myself entirely into Your mercy and to be a living reflection of You. May you pass through my heart to my neighbor. Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never be suspicious or judge according to appearances, but may seek the beautiful in the soul of my neighbor and come to his aid. Help me to make my ears merciful so that I may take into account the needs of my neighbor and not be indifferent to his sorrows and groans. Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful so that I may never speak negatively of my neighbors but may have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all. Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful and full of good works, so that I may know how to do only good to my neighbor and take upon myself the most difficult and painful tasks. Help me to make my feet merciful so that I may always hasten to help my neighbor, mastering my own fatigue and my weariness. My true rest is in the service of my neighbor.                                         St. Faustina Diary No. 163
Help me, O Lord, to make my heart merciful so that I may feel all the sufferings of my neighbor. May your mercy, O my Lord, rest within me.
The three levels of mercy.
First: the works of mercy, of whatever kind it may be.
Second: the words of mercy;Â Help with my words.
Third: Prayer. I can always show it through prayer.
 O my Jesus, transform me into You, for You can do everything.
I invite you during this Lent to take time each day and reflect on how you can be a Pilgrim of Hope through your actions. Share in Jesus' mercy as you let your heart become his.
Go to Mass and listen carefully to the Gospel. Go to confession beforehand and receive communion with a disciple's attitude. What do you want from me this week, sir?
Consider these four charitable attitudes you can take:
Do an act of Charity with your face. A smile, turning to see someone who is talking to you or is alone.
Do an act of charity with your words. It gives a word of encouragement to the one who needs it or perhaps corrects someone who needs to return to God in their actions.
To do a work of charity. Help someone who is in need around you.
Do an act of Charity with your prayer. Who needs your prayer? When you tell someone that you are going to pray for him or her, do so, take the time to ask God for that person.
Write it down in your journal. That way, you will be able to see your spiritual and bodily growth.