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About Educators

Writer: jornalerosjornaleros

I thank God for allowing me to participate in school and being thought the gift of reading. I thank God for those teachers that sacrificed so much to follow their passion to teach young people like me to read. As an adult I can now see how this fact has given me the opportunity to dream, to visit faraway places, to learn how the world works. Yet most importantly it has given me the opportunity to know God, to grow in love of God and to meditate in what God’s plan for me is. Because I had the opportunity to go to school, I have become a provider to my family, a husband, a father and a follower of Christ. I have learned about saints and tried to imitate them.

Education has given me the opportunity to provide as a husband, father, member of my parish. Also to grow in relationship with God

It's impossible to think that in today’s world, there is still many people that cannot have this blessing in their lives. Even though that in some countries such as mine, it is a right given to me, in many other places, people struggle to get a basic education. That is why it is so important to always be aware of this fact. To be thankful and to be open to see what God is calling me to do about it. Saint Thomas Aquinas says: “Love follows knowledge.” Our education should inspire us to love others, not just to love ourselves. Education does open the doors for me to better myself, it should also open my eyes to the world around me. I hear the words of St. Thomas More: “Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities – that’s training or instruction – but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed.”

"Love follows Knoledge" St. Thomas Aquinas

During January Pope Francis invites us to pray for educators everywhere. For those that give of their life to educate and build the society of tomorrow. Take a moment this month and pray in thanksgiving for your teachers. If you remember their names pray for them by name. You might want to say their name and then pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary on their behalf. Also I invite you and your group to also do something for teachers and schools in your community and elsewhere. We can support someone’s calling by giving them a note of thank you or a gift. Below you’ll find some ideas.


  1. Do something in your community: Look in your city for a school that is in a disadvantaged area. You might want to see if you and your group can do something for them. Many schools need basic school supplies and perhaps you and your group could do something about it. Another idea is to set up a night where you pray and create hand made thank you cards for the teachers from the school. You and your friends could even get gas cards for them.

  2. Catholic Institutions: You can reach out to your local Catholic Charities and learn about schools that are in need of support. In my Diocese Catholic Charities partners with other local entities to support schools in underprivileged areas. Many places have Caritas serving in their community. You might want to see how you and your friends could join a team.

  3. The world: There are organizations serving on behalf of the Catholic Church around the world. These men and woman want to give of their time and talent to lift others from poverty. CRS is an organization working in many countries bringing people out of places out of poverty. Unbound focuses directly on assisting children and youth so they can attend school. Cross Catholic Outreach and Chalice are also non-profits that seek to find ways to combat lack of education. Also Caritas has many projects in many countries looking to free people from the bounds of lack of education.

  4. Long Term: If you have a college degree, you could also volunteer with the Peace Corps and be a teacher in another country. Many religious orders are looking for volunteers for their schools as well. You might want to reach out to a religious order in your area and start a conversation.

  5. Most importantly: Pray, discern, what is God calling you to do? How can you start to help? Let us keep in mind that we can all pray for those that need help, are receiving help and most importantly are giving of themselves to help those in need.

I close with Don Bosco’s words: “Without confidence and love, there can be no true education.” Let us pray so we can be confident that we can do something and as little or as much that we do, if we do it with love, God in His mercy will see it through.

"Teaching is a beautiful jobe as it allows you to see the growth day by day of people entrusted to your care." Pope Francis


Let us Pray:

I invite you to put yourself in a spirit of Prayer. . Breathe and imagine that you are before the Lord. Ask him what he wants from you, where he wants you to go to witness his love. Ask him what are the miracles he wants to carry out through you. Offer yourself your fears and uncertainties and tell him with an open heart what troubles you. Tell him here I am Lord to do your will, here I am Lord to do your will. Listen to this song by Luke Spehar- All Is Gift

Here I am Lord to do your will

Join me in praying this prayer of Spiritual Communion: At Your feet, O my Jesus, I prostrate myself and I offer You repentance of my contrite heart, which is humbled in its nothingness and in Your holy presence. I adore You in the Sacrament of Your love, the ineffable Eucharist. I desire to receive You into the poor dwelling that my heart offers you. While waiting for the happiness of sacramental communion, I wish to possess You in spirit. Come to me, O Jesus, since I, for my part, am coming to You! May Your love embrace my whole being in life and in death. I believe in You, I hope in You, I love You. Amen.

You can pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary slowly breathing between sentences.

Finish by asking for the needs of your family, your friends. For the Holy Father and his intention for the month of September: so "we all will make courageous choices, the choices necessary for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, taking inspiration from our young people who are resolutely committed to this".:

Pray for the Pope's monthly intention and his health, our Bishops, priests, men and women religious. So that the Lord will fill you with joy..We end by asking Our Lady, a model of charity, to cover us with her mantle and pray for us so that we may be generous; and through the intercession of our patron saints: Saint Gema Galgani, Saint Joselito, Blessed Chiara Badano and Blessed Carlo Acutis.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.


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