It is very normal that many of the groups of young people find themselves without knowing what to do during the summer time. Unfortunately summer is the time when people stop attending groups, either for vacations or nothing else because there are no big parties to prepare in the parish or retreats that they have to attend. But summer is the ideal time to do something different! This is what Pope Francis shared about charity.
"Charity is God our Father’s embrace of every person, particularly of the least and the suffering, those who occupy a preferential place in his heart". Pope Francis.
Saint Paul tells us the Second Letter to the Corinthians when he is talking about donating to the Church of Jerusalen "Now as you excel in every respect, in faith, discourse, knowledge, all earnestness, and in the love we have for you,d may you excel in this gracious act also..your surplus at the present time should supply their needs,"
During the year many youth groups are an example of liturgical service, of beautiful works and presentations, excellent retreats. Because of the business of the year, the summer could be good time take time to plan acts of Charity, works of mercy. Focusing in need in your community.. For those who cannot pay you back.
"It is not healthy to love silence while fleeing interaction with others, to want peace and quiet while avoiding activity, to seek prayer while disdaining service. Everything can be accepted and integrated into our life in this world, and become a part of our path to holiness. We are called to be contemplatives even in the midst of action, and to grow in holiness by responsibly and generously carrying out our proper mission." Pope Francis Gaudete et Exsultate No. 26
So, although many of us seek to recharge our batteries during the summer, staying at home or going to enjoy a well-deserved vacation is good, let's not stay there anymore, let's look for something positive to do. Performing service to others who cannot pay you back is an awesome way of growing in charity. And can be a fun activity that unites your group, encourages you spiritually and brings you closer to God.
Where do I begin?
Attend Mass Together as a group and take a moment to pray before the Tabernacle after Mass in prayer. If there is an Exposition Chapel where he Blessed Sacrament is exposed, then make a visit.
Get together as a group to pray and share what the Lord told you. I invite you to pray in front of Blessed Carlo's tomb and ask for his intercession as you plan your act of Charity.
Ask your parish's office or read the bulletin to see if the parish is already involved in a charity where you can include yourself as a group.
If there is none, then look for some local organization to join, food bank, dining room, shelter place, or some older person who needs to have their garden cleaned. (Don't forget to ask about security measures).
Study as a group the causes of poverty or hunger in your city. Look for information on the number of people who live on the fringes of poverty and need food and meditate on what they should do as a group or personally to help in this serious situation.
After your service project, journal what is God telling you thorugh this act of service and share with your group. Learn about what the Eucharist calls us to do and share it with your group.
Learn about Carlo Acutis
Our Patron Saint Blessed Carlo Acutis is one of the best example of a young person who was not afraid to serve others, even if it costed him his own money.
“With his savings, he bought sleeping bags for homeless people and in the evening he brought them some hot drinks,” Antonia Salzano, Acutis’ mother, recalled
Learn more about him. Start by reading this awesome article by CNA.
